The renewable energy landscape in the United States is booming, with solar power playing a pivotal role in the transition towards a sustainable future. Solar developers have been racing to secure buildable land close to the grid. However, a looming challenge has been causing headaches for many solar developers: grid capacity.

The grid has become increasingly congested, posing significant challenges for solar developers. When using Anderson Optimization by PVcase to identify suitable land parcels in proximity to the grid, developers often embark on a series of vital steps, including engaging with landowners, conducting comprehensive land studies, and initiating the permitting process. In parallel, applications are submitted to grid operators for connection to the Point of Interconnection (POI), the juncture where a solar project connects to the electrical grid.

However, what happens when the grid operator returns with the disheartening news that there isn’t sufficient capacity at the designated POI? In some cases, developers might need to upgrade several grid elements, incurring costs amounting to millions of dollars. This situation can be a project’s Achilles’ heel, causing developers to abandon their plans, which translates to a loss of valuable time and resources expended during the initial phases of project development.

This highlights the critical importance of grid capacity in the solar development process. Knowing how much headroom capacity is available at all buses and transmission lines within a region or area of interest can make or break a project. By targeting these POIs at the outset of your greenfield searches, you can ensure that you invest your time and resources in evaluating sites that are genuinely feasible for your project size.

Recognizing the significance of grid capacity challenges in solar development, PVcase Prospect add-on — Capacity. We understand that developers need all the tools they can get, conveniently accessible on one platform. Our goal is to empower developers to identify the best POIs with the exact amount of capacity required for their projects. With the Capacity add-on, developers can seamlessly integrate grid capacity analysis into the site selection process, making it the first step in automated greenfield searches.

  1. Targeted site selection: Capacity add-on enables solar developers to identify and target POIs with the precise capacity they need. This crucial information eliminates the uncertainty and guesswork that often plagues project planning. Developers can now embark on site selection with a clear understanding of which locations are feasible based on existing grid capacity.
  2. Efficient Parcel Searches: once developers have narrowed their search to suitable POIs, they can use PVcase Prospect to run parcel searches, identifying land parcels that are close to the grid and offer the necessary capacity. This streamlines the land acquisition process, saving time and reducing the likelihood of stumbling upon unexpected capacity limitations later in the project.
  3. Buildability evaluation: PVcase Prospect also provides tools for evaluating the buildability of selected land parcels. This includes assessing factors such as topography, existing structures, and environmental considerations. Developers can make informed decisions about the most promising sites by integrating capacity, location, and buildability information.
  4. Shortlisting high-quality sites: within minutes, Capacity add-on allows developers to create a shortlist of high-quality sites that meet their project’s requirements. This rapid and data-driven approach minimizes the chances of investing time and resources into sites that ultimately prove unsuitable due to grid capacity constraints.

In the evolving landscape of solar development in the United States, grid capacity is a formidable challenge that cannot be underestimated. The success of a solar project hinges on securing the necessary grid capacity at the Point of Interconnection. Capacity add-on offers developers a lifeline, providing the tools they need to navigate this challenge confidently.

By integrating grid capacity analysis into the solar site selection process and enabling developers to target POIs with the right capacity, the Capacity add-on empowers solar developers to make informed decisions at every step of the development journey. This, in turn, reduces the risk of costly surprises, saves time, and contributes to a more streamlined and efficient solar development process.