In the rapidly advancing field of renewable energy, engineering and construction firms face numerous technical challenges, such as data risk, manual drawings on AutoCAD, limited resources, or last-minute changes. These challenges hinder timelines, increase project costs, often require more resources, and complicate the transition to a sustainable future. 

These challenges didn’t bypass OHLA, a Spain-based company that faced several challenges in its design process for solar park installations. The extensive use of manual AutoCAD drawings and calculations for plant design was highly time-consuming and resource-intensive, with any last-minute adjustments necessitating a complete redo of the work. Thus, it highlighted the critical need for a more accurate and efficient design process to enhance project workflow, optimize resources, and improve client services.

Consequently, OHLA sought to revolutionize its solar park design process, and that’s where PVcase stepped in to help the client streamline operations and drive business growth. In this article, we’ll dive into the challenges OHLA faced, the solutions with PVcase, and the results the company achieved. Continue reading to learn more.

Technical challenges in renewable energy projects

Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) contractors, like OHLA, manage complex projects that require meticulous planning and execution. Their work spans feasibility studies, design studies, 3D modeling, cost estimation, and structural design analysis. However, the complex nature of these tasks, coupled with the reliance on manual processes, presents several technical challenges:

  1. Manual AutoCAD drawings and measurements: relying on AutoCAD for manual drawings and measurement calculations is time-consuming and prone to errors.
  2. Last-minute changes: structural or module adjustments often require redoing the entire process from scratch, leading to inefficiencies.
  3. Resource constraints: limited time and team resources make it difficult to manage multiple projects simultaneously.
  4. Data risk: discrepancies in data from various sources can degrade over time, hindering project accuracy and performance.

These challenges require precise and efficient solutions to project design and execution.

OHLA’s journey with PVcase Ground Mount

Before integrating PVcase Ground Mount into the workflow, OHLA, an EPC contractor specializing in turnkey plant projects, faced several challenges in their design process for solar park installations. Manual AutoCAD drawings and measurement calculations for the entire plant consumed much time and resources. 

When last-minute changes, such as structural or module adjustments occurred, each modification meant redoing the entire process from scratch, leading to delays and inefficiencies in the project. 

With a portfolio of renewable energy projects totaling over 1.5 GW across Europe, America, and Asia, OHLA sought to improve its solar park installation process and design development, optimize its project workflow and resource utilization, and provide top-notch offerings to clients.

Integrating PVcase Ground Mount into OHLA’s workflow marked a significant turning point.

Solution: integration with PVcase Ground Mount

OHLA adopted PVcase, a cutting-edge design tool, to transform its design process. With PVcase Ground Mount, the company could perform precise and quick calculations for technical offers. The software simplified complex measurements, eliminating the need for manual drawings in AutoCAD and extrapolations. 

Moreover, PVcase allowed OHLA to focus more on the technical aspects of its offerings rather than getting bogged down in time-consuming cable measurements. The software’s intuitive interface and short learning curve were why OHLA’s team instantly adopted the software. PVcase helped developers work on more projects in a shorter time, and soon, the company noticed significant business growth

“Our efficiency at OHLA has increased significantly”

Proposal Engineer at OHLA, Sergio Espada, shared insights into how PVcase Ground Mount has impacted their operations. Among positive changes are better accuracy and precision, increased productivity, quick calculations, and design changes. Here are the key points Sergio Espada emphasizes from his experience with PVcase Ground Mount:

  1. Reduction of manual tasks: PVcase Ground Mount has drastically reduced the time spent on manual tasks, such as AutoCAD drawings, wiring measurements, and structural changes. Sergio noted: “Before, I could easily spend a week drawing by hand in AutoCAD, and now, in a few days, I can have the wiring measured.
  2. Quick calculations and changes: solar developers can do quick calculations and adjustments in projects’ civil, electrical, and mechanical aspects without redoing the entire design. This has been particularly beneficial for managing last-minute changes.
  3. More efficient workflows: Ground Mount provided tools to develop error-free designs and detailed visualizations of the plant during the project phase. Sergio emphasized, “The software allows me to work faster and perform complex measurements in a simple, yet precise way. Our efficiency at OHLA has increased a lot.
  4. Better productivity and proposal quality: with PVcase, OHLA can handle more project proposals in less time. The software’s features have empowered the company to double its output, even with a small team. Sergio shared: “Until recently, there were two of us in the department, doing only one or two offerings simultaneously, and now there are five of us doing twice as many.
  5. User-friendly interface: PVcase’s intuitive interface and short learning curve have facilitated seamless adoption. According to the customer, the learning curve to work with the software is very short. “PVcase has been a game-changer for our team,” says Sergio.

Hear about OHLA’s experience in detail:

Results and impact on OHLA’s operations

The adoption of PVcase Ground Mount has transformed OHLA’s approach to solar park design, significantly improving efficiency, accuracy, and productivity. The key results include:

  • Time savings: with the help of PVcase, OHLA reduced the time spent on manual tasks from weeks to days, allowing the team to focus on more critical technical aspects.
  • More projects in a shorter time: the software’s capability to handle complex calculations and measurements has streamlined OHLA’s design process, enabling the team to manage more projects simultaneously.
  • Better proposal quality: detailed visualizations and error-free designs have improved the quality of OHLA’s project proposals, leading to higher client satisfaction and engagement.

Sergio’s testimonial encapsulates the transformative impact of PVcase on OHLA’s operations:

“PVcase has been a game-changer for our team. With its user-friendly interface and quick learning curve, we’ve been able to double our project proposals and handle them easily. It’s not just about saving time; it’s about fostering business growth and staying ahead in the solar energy sector.”


The renewable energy sector experiences tremendous growth, and companies like OHLA are at the forefront of this transformation. By leveraging advanced software solutions like PVcase Ground Mount, they can overcome technical challenges, optimize their operations, and deliver superior project outcomes.

As the global transition to clean energy accelerates, PVcase remains a vital tool for renewable energy professionals, enabling them to achieve precision, efficiency, and innovation in their projects.