PVcase proudly introduces its innovative solar engineering tool, PVcase Roof Mount, for commercial and industrial rooftops, gaining popularity among solar engineers for improving efficiency and workload management. Our latest ebook, “Optimizing Your Business with PVcase Roof Mount Integration,” explores different ways in which PVcase Roof Mount can boost speed, productivity, and efficiency in your solar business ventures.

Improve each of your project cycles

Roof Mount streamlines the design process by integrating various stages of a project cycle into a single platform, reducing errors and frustration from using multiple tools. It not only delivers reliable ROI and energy estimates but also enhances proposal accuracy, leading to increased client satisfaction.

PVcase Roof Mount can significantly improve your product win rate to 12 or 15%, greatly enhance the accuracy of your proposals, and help you handle design stage changes. Changes are usually one of the most painful issues in design processes. The tool also allows easy change management and automatization.

PVcase Roof Mount is a quick, intuitive solution designed to lower electricity costs and enhance PV roof design quality and accuracy. It boosts product win rates to 12-15%, improves proposal accuracy, and simplifies change management in design processes with its automation features.

As an AutoCAD-based software, PVcase Roof Mount integrates seamlessly into existing design workflows, eliminating the need for redundant work stages. It’s user-centric, adaptable, and supported by comprehensive guidance, including a dedicated training ebook. User feedback played a vital role in its development, resulting in a user-friendly and AutoCAD-optimized tool.

PVcase Roof Mount’s semi-automation strikes a balance between user control and efficiency. It automates routine tasks while providing guidance, enabling user decisions on crucial aspects of the design process.

Improve detailed project design

PVcase Roof Mount empowers users to create designs closely resembling real-life implementation, resulting in precise estimations. The tool accelerates project design, offering the potential to enhance your company’s revenue.

PVcase Roof Mount also allows users to make various adjustments and requests due to client requests, market changes, and component shortages easily and quickly. The tool boasts the following features:

– Automated layout placement with customizable settings
– Layout comparison to generate the most suitable designs, allowing users to choose the most suitable option
– Automated cabling and stringing routes that eliminate the need for users to draw and plan cables manually
– Any necessary changes can be implemented via general settings, while users can modify the layout and electrical aspects in the modification section

Faster and more efficient processes enable businesses to do more projects and earn more revenue. PVcase Roof Mount allows engineers to significantly reduce the time of back-and-forth mistake fixing and manual work. Roof Mount can also reduce your time on electrical design and layout and help you develop the best possible designs.

With PVcase Roof Mount, you can also centralize all the processes under a single CAD-based software. Forget using multiple different tools and avoid back-and-forth change implementation.

Discover more

Explore additional information and case studies featuring diverse PVcase Roof Mount users in our latest ebook, “Optimizing Your Business with PVcase Roof Mount Integration”.

Don’t forget to check out our previous Roof Mount ebook, “Your Step-by-Step Guide to C&I Rooftop Solar Efficiency,” for comprehensive insights.