Selecting the right site for a solar project is challenging, considering the risks it brings if chosen incorrectly. Poor site selection can lead solar developers to a cascade of issues: reduced energy output, increased construction and maintenance costs, potential system failures, and legal and/or environmental complications. 

However, if chosen carefully, a viable site location ensures maximum energy generation, structural stability, and minimal environmental impact. Moreover, developers can maximize energy yield and significantly reduce construction complexities by prioritizing terrain suitability, stable soil conditions, and optimal solar irradiation. 

In this article, we’ll explore the most common challenges solar developers face when siting PV power plants. We’ll also highlight how PVcase tools can help you achieve optimal results for your solar project while minimizing disruptions from these challenges. Continue reading to find out more!

Challenges in siting solar PV plants

Challenges in siting solar PV plants range from topographical variations to environmental constraints, adding an extra burden for solar developers to consider when selecting a location for solar project development. Here are the main challenges engineers face when kickstarting their site selection process.

1. Topographical variations

Topographical variations such as terrain elevation and slope significantly impact solar panel efficiency when siting solar PV plants. Properly analyzing these variations is crucial for optimizing energy production. Panels must be oriented and inclined correctly to maximize direct sunlight exposure. Uneven terrain may require civil work to adapt the land for module placement, impacting the overall energy generation and project costs. Different slopes can cause mismatches in the current generated by adjacent panels, potentially affecting the entire system’s performance and reliability.

One of the PVcase customers, Solutio, had two projects involving complicated terrain. With the help of PVcase Ground Mount, the projects went from being initially thought impossible to being executed efficiently. 

The shading tool for the fixed structure helped us define the spacing between the panels, discard non-usable land areas, and take advantage of other areas that initially seemed non-ideal. We could only achieve this with the shading tool; otherwise, we would have been working blindly. The speed went from being unable to do it to executing it efficiently.

One of the most complicated fixed structure projects was near Almería due to the very difficult terrain. Using the iteration tool provided by PVcase, we found the best solution, avoided shadows, minimized necessary earth movements, and optimized the solution. Additionally, in the Sevilla area, in Carmona, we did a 500 MW project covering over 1000 hectares. The speed of PVcase Ground Mount allowed for quick changes and iterations without overloading the computer.

2. Soil and subsurface conditions

Soil and subsurface conditions play a vital role in the foundation design of solar PV plants. The stability and type of soil determine the feasibility of certain foundation types. For instance, rocky or hard soils may require specialized drilling and foundation techniques, while soft or loose soils might need additional support structures such as deep foundations or piling systems. These conditions necessitate thorough geotechnical analysis to ensure the stability and longevity of the installation. Solutions for unstable or varied soil types include specialized engineering methods, which help stabilize the foundations in challenging soil conditions. 

To address that analysis, PVcase Prospect is an effective tool to easily get information about world soils, base saturation of the subsoil and topsoil, depth to an impermeable layer, depth to rock, limitations to agricultural practices, dominant parent material of the STU, peat, soil erodability class.

3. Climatic considerations

Climatic conditions, including extreme temperatures and precipitation, pose significant challenges for solar PV installations. Temperature variations affect solar panel performance, with both extreme heat and cold potentially reducing efficiency. Additionally, the design phase must account for environmental factors such as high-speed winds, hail, heavy snow, and even sandstorms. 

4. Ecological and environmental constraints

Adhering to site-specific environmental regulations is crucial to minimizing the ecological impact of solar PV projects. Environmental impact assessments must address potential effects on local wildlife, vegetation, protected areas, and other topical aspects of a project area. Construction and operational phases should implement methods to reduce soil disturbance, manage water runoff, control air and noise pollution, and, again, consider aspects relevant to the area and country of your project.

For example, placing solar panels near airports or highways requires careful consideration of reflection impacts to avoid disrupting pilots and drivers. Post-construction monitoring ensures that the installation continues to operate within environmental guidelines.

Adapting solar designs to complex terrains with PVcase

PVcase assists solar developers throughout all phases of their projects, from initial site selection using Prospect to designing with Ground Mount and estimating performance with Yield. This comprehensive suite of innovative tools equips solar engineers with everything needed for each project stage. 

Therefore, solar developers can easily choose the right sites by using features like terrain analysis, 3D modeling, automated design adjustments, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) integration. Let’s explore how PVcase effectively adapts PV designs to complex terrains.

1. Terrain analysis and 3D modeling

PVcase Prospect offers advanced terrain analysis tools that significantly aid in accurate site selection. Prospect provides information that solar developers can later use in other tools and generate detailed 3D models of the topography, providing a realistic view of the terrain. This capability is essential for identifying potential issues early in the design process and deciding panel placement and foundation requirements. The use of 3D modeling helps bypass challenges related to terrain elevation, slope, and grading, ensuring the most efficient and cost-effective project design.

2. Automated design adjustments

PVcase’s automated design adjustments streamline the design process by adapting the layout based on terrain data. This automation speeds up the design phase and boosts accuracy, reducing the likelihood of human errors

PVcase Ground Mount can automatically adjust the placement of panels and other components to accommodate variations in the terrain, optimizing the overall system performance. By leveraging automation, project developers can focus on more strategic decisions, confident that the detailed design adjustments are handled efficiently.

3. Integration with Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

The integration of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data is a powerful feature of PVcase Prospect, improving the design and planning phases of solar PV projects. GIS data provides comprehensive information about the site, including land use, vegetation, and infrastructure. This data is crucial for optimizing the layout and component placement, ensuring that the project adheres to environmental regulations and maximizes energy production. PVcase’s ability to incorporate GIS data allows for more precise design decisions, ultimately leading to more successful PV installations.


Siting of PV power plants is a challenging process. Poor site selection can reduce energy output, increase costs, potential system failures, and legal or environmental complications, and even stop the project. The good news is that a carefully chosen site ensures maximum energy generation and structural stability, eliminates data risk challenges, and minimizes environmental impact. Therefore, developers can increase energy yield and reduce construction complexities by prioritizing terrain suitability, stable soil conditions, and optimal solar irradiation. 

That’s how PVcase tools come into play. Engineers can overcome these challenges using advanced terrain analysis, 3D modeling, automated design adjustments, and GIS integration. These features help solar developers achieve optimal results, ensuring efficient and effective solar PV plant installations while minimizing disruptions.

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