What is solar LCoE?

The levelized cost of energy (LCoE) stands for average cost of the energy produced throughout the life of various energy-generating assets. In terms of power plants, LCoE meaning is tied to how much it costs to generate a single unit of electricity over the lifetime of the plant, and is often marked as dollars per megawatt hour ($/MWh).

How to mitigate shading losses in PV systems?

The irradiance that a PV module receives has a significant impact on its power output. When selecting a suitable installation site, it’s best to focus on locations that offer easy and straight access to sunlight, since it naturally increases project efficiency.

We’ve just raised €20 million in Series A funding!

We have big news to share: We just closed the largest solar software company fundraising round ever in Europe with our €20 million Series A!

PVcase – Redefining the Rules of the Solar Industry

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