Accelerate simulation time
No more hardware issues. Run large scale and concurrent calculations in a cloud-based environment.
Model power production with state of the art systems
Utilize physical models and increase the confidence in model outputs.
Cut out simplified assumptions
Embrace your project’s complexity without reducing dimensionality from 3D to 2D.
Analyze different configurations in efficient way
By doing just one simulation, easily assess the impact of different electrical designs in comparison to your project goals.
User friendly
Clear and simple interface that enhances productivity.
Represent the physical reality
Calculate scenes that include environmental elements without affecting the simulation time.
Estimate with confidence

PVcase Yield utilizes simulation methodology developed by Imec, a world-leading research and innovation hub in nanoelectronics. With more than 30 years of experience developing cost-effective silicon solar cells and integrating them into smart photovoltaic modules, Imec’s physics-based methodology offers world-record efficiencies in increasing yield of photovoltaic systems.
Convenient user interface based on cloud computing
Intuitive and straightforward user interface helps to perform simulations faster and more efficiently. Perform simulations without consuming the resources of your devices and interruption in other operations.

Lighting simulation using 3D ray tracing without layout geometry limitations
Evaluate the influence of terrain-based 3D layouts with surrounding elements on the resulting PV system energy output.
Thermal-electrical modeling at a module-level resolution
Use the electrical information created in the Ground Mount tool or propose optimal arrangements and get the information about system losses.

Hourly simulations with the ability to analyze results for a period of the year
Use obtained hourly generation profile in subsequent financial assessments or in a more detailed analysis of system performance.