June 10, 2022
Fixed tilt vs tracker system comparison for ground-mounted PV systems
It’s not a secret that PV designers have to consider the long-term costs of all PV installation components. Everything from groundwork to cabling and even shading has to be considered before the work starts because any alterations to a large-scale project will cost both time and money.
May 26, 2022
Agrivoltaics: Benefits of Solar Power and Agriculture
Agrivoltaics refers to using the same land to generate solar electricity and support agriculture. As the world moves past the TW scale solar fleet and we deploy more solar every year, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find suitable land to develop solar projects.
May 18, 2022
Intersolar Europe 2022: the key takeaways
This year Intersolar Europe returned with all the intensity and inertia of an industry propelled by the changing landscape of the world; changes that have felt both shocking and unforeseen while at the same time altogether inevitable.
January 28, 2022
Advancing Solar Projects with Ground Grading
The solar industry is constantly innovating and improving, yet there are staples of any solar park that are present in every project. Understanding what to expect at the beginning of the construction and knowing how to navigate potential challenges, or how to avoid them altogether, could greatly boost the performance of the solar park, as well as reduce expenses.
December 30, 2021
2021: Year in review
Ever since its conception, PVcase has been about removing monotony from the engineering workflow. Step by step, we are working on improving the efficiency of solar projects. And this year, we certainly have things to be proud of.
December 21, 2021
International Energy Outlook 2021: Overview
International Energy Outlook (IEO2021), compiled by Energy Information Administration (EIA), analyzes long-term world energy markets in 16 OECD and non-OECD regions through 2050.
December 3, 2021
How to optimise your solar cabling and reduce cable loss?
When it comes to solar energy, modules, panels and inverters are undoubtedly important, but they alone cannot distribute electricity. Cables are one of the essential components of a solar park since they ensure the energy produced by the panels can be safely and properly transported.
November 12, 2021
Solar levelized cost of energy: Meaning, formula, and assessment
Solar LCoE is an important metric for power plants to assess the cost-effectiveness of solar energy generation assets. It can allow them to more easily compare and contrast the value of different options, as well as get a ballpark on long-term costs.