Ground Mount | DE

Reduzieren Sie mithilfe von realistischen, geländebasierten Entwürfen für Ihre PV-Anlagen Ungewissheiten in der Projektplanung und verhindern Sie Planungsfehler. Optimieren Sie Ihren Entwurf und evaluieren Sie eventuelle Probleme mit der Nahverschattung. Die Investitionsausgaben sind ausschlaggebend für den Erfolg großer Solaranlagen. Erhalten Sie schon zu Beginn der Planung eine klare…

Cookie Policy

Cookie policy General information PVcase, UAB (hereinafter referred to as “we” or “Data Controller”) is the operator of this website. In this cookie policy, we define and explain how cookies are used to collect and further process your personal data when you use this website. The terms of this cookie policy apply to your access to  the content and/or service we provide regardless of…

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Data protection is of a particularly high priority for the management of the PVcase. The use of the Internet pages of the PVcase is possible without any indication of personal data; however, if a data subject wants to use special enterprise services via our website, processing of personal data could become necessary. If the processing of personal data is necessary and there…

Benefits and challenges of environmental compliance for businesses

Environmental compliance laws limit the negative impact businesses have on the air, water, ecosystems and other aspects of the natural world. In addition to industries like manufacturing and construction, environmental regulations are common in many other sectors, from metal fabrication and auto repair to dry cleaning and house painting. For instance, the Environmental Protection Agency…

Self-sustaining communities and why they are becoming more important

A self-sustaining community can meet its needs without relying on external systems or resources. However, this doesn't necessarily mean complete isolation from the wider world but creating a community that is adaptable and capable of supporting itself in a resource-efficient manner. As the world navigates the impacts of climate change and leverages technological advancements, efforts to…

What’s the difference between commercial solar design and utility-scale solar design?

Solar energy has grown exponentially in recent years. Since 2010, the solar industry has experienced a 24% annual growth rate on average. The increased adoption of photovoltaic (PV) panel technology is due to an increased interest in clean energy, the availability of tax credits and lower hardware and installation costs. PV installations fall into several categories: residential, commercial…

Solar plant design guide: the basics

Solar plants are already an established energy standard used widely in the world. Let's dig deeper into the basics of solar plant design and how PVcase can significantly help you with this solar farm design guide. Get to know how to design a solar plant. What are solar plants? Solar plants, also known as solar power plants or solar farms, refer to large-scale installations designed to…

Ethical business practices that can improve the solar industry

Solar energy, and the entire solar industry, headline the renewable energy revolution. The record number of solar panel installations makes rooftop solar a key part of the transition from fossil fuels to clean energy. However, consumer advocates continue to raise issues that damage this transition. Complaints about the solar industry — particularly from customers who feel misled about cost…

How might future clean energy standards affect businesses?

Clean energy provides power to businesses and consumes without directly producing carbon emissions. The most immediate benefit of solar, wind and hydroelectric power is that they do not emit carbon. Currently, 60% of the electricity in the U.S. comes from fossil fuels. These materials, including coal and natural gas, account for 75% of the greenhouse gasses (GHGs) causing global warming.…

The environmental impact of computing: problems and possible solutions

Technology can do amazing things as long as it has enough computing power. Artificial intelligence can complete complicated tasks with fewer errors, allowing people to focus on bigger-picture responsibilities. Big data collects, processes, purifies, and analyzes metrics from virtually any digital source. Blockchain technology openly tracks and shares information across an organization’s…