
While we do not purposefully pursue awards, it’s always a pleasure to be recognized. Therefore, The Baltic Sustainability Awards in 2023, held at the Splendid Palace in Riga, was a great surprise.…

Environmental compliance laws limit the negative impact businesses have on the air, water, ecosystems and other aspects of the natural world. In addition to industries like manufacturing and…

Administrative work isn’t the most glamorous part of business, but it’s important for long-term success. Even simple tasks like data entry and project management keep employees motivated, on task and…

Modern consumers are more concerned than ever about sustainability. For perspective, the number of online searches looking for sustainable products increased by 71% between 2016 and 2021 according to…

Electricity costs can fluctuate based on various factors including demand, the price of fossil fuels, supply limitations due to severe weather and regulatory changes. Germany provided a dramatic…

PVcase proudly introduces its innovative solar engineering tool, PVcase Roof Mount, for commercial and industrial rooftops, gaining popularity among solar engineers for improving efficiency and…

Residential solar panels are increasingly popular. A 2022 survey by Forbes found that 48% of homeowners who don’t have a solar installation plan on getting one in the future. Increased interest in…

One of the main reasons homeowners and businesses make the change to solar power energy is to reduce or eliminate their reliance on energy from the power grid. The idea of lower energy bills is…

Attempting to be environmentally conscious as a business isn’t as clear-cut as it may seem. There are stringent guidelines that you must follow, and many you must set yourself according to your…

Over the past decade, the solar installation industry has experienced an average annual growth rate of 24%. A 2021 study by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) projected that 40% of all…