PVcase today announced that it is the first solar project construction design software provider to support Terrain-following single-axis tracker-mounted projects on uneven ground. The new PVcase Ground Mount software capability is designed for large-scale PV systems that follow the landscape’s natural terrain by using all-terrain trackers from Nevados and other suppliers. These projects seek to eliminate or significantly reduce the costly, destructive process of mass grading from solar project construction.

“We applaud PVcase for working with their users and other industry stakeholders to continually improve their software. PVcase was already an essential tool for BQ Energy’s development activities. As a pure-play brownfield solar developer, we are often faced with sites where earthworks are technically and financially infeasible. PVcase’s new terrain-following software tools, combined with Nevados’ terrain-following tracker technology, will allow BQ Energy to expand its brownfield solar project portfolio. We look forward to much future collaboration with these two firms.” – Josh Berkow; Director, Engineering; BQ Energy Development, LLC.

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Grading is a construction process that levels land by moving and backfilling the earth. When conducted on highly topographic sites, grading can destabilize soil and uproot vegetation, increasing susceptibility to erosion and watershed pollution and heightening revegetation needs. Historically, grading was necessary at large-scale solar installations to accommodate PV module ground mountings that must be installed on level terrain.

“Terrain-following capabilities are yet another massive software advancement from PVcase that promises to revolutionize utility-scale solar and expand the universe of PV project possibilities,” commented Jenya Meydbray, Chief Commercial Officer of Nevados. “Our team works hand-in-hand with customers as they iterate through designs to fit projects to the landscape, and we’ve found that PVcase Ground Mount is the ideal system design tool for Nevados projects.”

Ground Mount is fully optimized for the Nevados technology platform, allowing tracker installation on grades as steep as 37% and accommodating grade changes of up to 26% across every post. While mounting trackers on graded terrain introduce a range of project design and energy yield modeling complexities, these challenges are fully accounted for within the PVcase Ground Mount.

“PVcase customers were clamoring for all-terrain features, so we’re excited to deliver a system design solution that truly meets their needs,” commented Ground Mount Product Manager Guy Atherton. “Our clients represent the leading edge of the solar industry, and they are driving the market to build projects that respect the land and local communities. With our new terrain-following feature, we are accelerating eco-friendly solar deployment to the locations where clean energy is most needed today.”