Slope analysis case study

Unique use cases is the best way to showcase the capabilities of the software. Our slope case study will help you see how our software solves complex solar engineering issues. This time we are going to look into the solar plant project situated between two hills with the potential shading issues. The challenge for this site is the location in the valley between two hills with the potential…

Why do GIS tools like ArcGIS/QGIS hold back your solar projects?

As a solar developer, your mission is clear: to bring renewable energy to communities, create sustainable solutions, and pave the way for a brighter future. To achieve this, growing your project pipeline quickly and efficiently is crucial. However, the fast-paced renewable energy landscape demands tools that are up to the task. Traditional platforms like ArcGIS and QGIS, while robust, were…

The costs of obsolescence in renewable energy

Solar and wind are highly effective forms of sustainable energy production and show immense promise moving forward. With the potential for energy independence, reduced overhead expenses, and tax benefits, it’s easy to see why a growing number of businesses are investing in renewable energy. One issue, however, that is concerning to many companies is the degradation and disposal of solar panels…

Welcome to PVcase Forest — how PVcasers make the world greener

PVcase invites its employees to physically contribute to lungs of the planet. A few times per year PVcasers put on their work clothes and head to the PVcase-purchased land area close to Kaunas to plant the trees. How did the initiative start? PVcase Forest is a joint venture of PVcase and Girion, a landscape and forestry company. Girion has been established by a few foresters who use…

7 new inventions that could fight the effects of climate change

Climate change impacts everyone on a global scale. We’re talking about impacts like rising sea levels and more frequent and severe natural disasters. Another negative impact of climate change includes rising temperatures that are causing droughts, wildfires, and crop failures. Still, there’s hope because we can mitigate and even reverse some of the effects of climate change with new…

10 ways AI is helping solve climate change

Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized this century's way of life. Today, about 42% of large organizations report using AI while an additional 40% are actively exploring its use, according to research by IBM. However, one of the most significant uses for AI is in finding technological solutions for climate change. As the climate crisis continues to threaten social and economic systems…

_demo_Roof Mount

3D AutoCAD-based tool for detailed layout and electrical design Accelerate your C&I rooftop design process. Reduce layout time by up to 80% and ensure real-world precision. Get Free Trial Increase design efficiency → win more projects → accelerate revenue growth Accurate design Ensure precise installations with automatic configurations that create construction-ready…

Roof Mount

3D AutoCAD-based tool for detailed layout and electrical design Accelerate your C&I rooftop design process. Reduce layout time by up to 80% and ensure real-world precision. Get Free Trial Increase design efficiency → win more projects → accelerate revenue growth Accurate design Ensure precise installations with automatic configurations that create construction-ready…

Making great designs on good sites—the importance of topo data for PV design

While solar design depends on the skillfulness of engineers and the precision of software, you cannot create a profitable PV design if you choose a poor land. Topo data is the first step in determining the success of your solar project. While the terrain is crucial in this regard, developers should also consider grid connectivity and potential grading costs. The most critical aspects of topo…


Find The Best Points of Interconnection Instantly Analyze grid injection capacity to identify the best areas for new development opportunities with our Capacity Data exclusive feature Book a demo Streamline Your Solar Site Selection Workflow With Instant Injection Studies Reimagine Your Solar Site Selection Workflow Built inside of PVcase Prospect, Capacity Data allows you to…