PVcase forest: fighting climate change through software and… trees

Green goals We’re all striving for a better future: cleaner, more sustainable and, of course, greener. Fighting climate change through software - it’s not just empty words, it’s the foundation of everything PVcase does. We are committed to maintaining the advancement of solar, but as a company, we cannot forget those who work hard every day to ensure PVcase lives up to those goals. PVcase…

Bridging the renewable energy skills gap. A success story of PVcase, Enery, and the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria

The rapid expansion of the renewable energy sector has created a high demand for skilled professionals capable of designing and implementing utility-scale solar projects. To address this growing need, PVcase, in collaboration with Enery and the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, has developed an innovative educational initiative to prepare future solar engineers with the latest…

Agrivoltaics: Benefits of Solar Power and Agriculture

What is agrivoltaics Agrivoltaics refers to using the same land to generate solar electricity and support agriculture. As the world moves past the TW scale solar fleet and we deploy more solar every year, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find suitable land to develop solar projects. This situation is increasing concerns over the potential competition between using land to…

Intersolar Europe 2022: the key takeaways

This year Intersolar Europe returned with all the intensity and inertia of an industry propelled by the changing landscape of the world; changes that have felt both shocking and unforeseen while at the same time altogether inevitable. Energy experts from all over the world gathered to both discuss the current and future goals for green energy, and debate the ways the world could become more…

PVcase team heads to Intersolar Europe 2023

PVcase will hit the road again in the middle of June. This time our team will board the planes to Munich to participate in Intersolar Europe 2023, one of the most significant solar events in Europe that will take place at Messe Munchen conference center. The conference part will take place from the 13th to the 14th of June, while the exhibition will proceed from the 14th to the 16th of June.…

Terrain-following trackers are now available in PVcase Ground Mount

PVcase proudly presents a new functionality allowing you to add terrain-following trackers to your solar projects in the PVcase Ground Mount tool. Ideal sites are getting more difficult to find, so terrain-following trackers allow engineers to adapt solar plants for more complex landscapes. Terrain-following trackers mitigate risks associated with undulating terrain and improve…

Roof Mount | ES

Herramienta basada en AutoCAD con alto nivel de precisión. Mejora la eficiencia, la precisión y la calidad de los diseños fotovoltaicos en tejados comerciales e industriales. Solicita una demo Reduce el tiempo que dedicas a tareas repetitivas en tus diseños fotovoltaicos. La generación del diseño, el análisis del sombreado y el diseño eléctrico contribuyen a reducir el riesgo…


Our vision is to accelerate global transition to clean energy. Renewable energy is set to overtake coal and gas by the end of 2024 with solar energy being the key driver of this transition. Although it evolves faster than wind and hydro due to the falling development costs, further solar PV technological innovation along the entire value chain is needed to meet the growing demand.…

India introduces the first solar-powered village

Modhera is a village situated in the Mehsana district of Gujarat, a state along the Western coast of India known for its large-scale solar plants. The town is also the site of the famous Sun Temple, a beautiful Hindu temple dedicated to the solar deity Surya. Having this context in mind, no wonder that Modhera has become the first solar-powered village in the world and, according to UN…

Solar industry and the new employment possibilities

The solar industry is a booming sector paving the way for a brighter and more self-sustainable future. This growth is equally reflected in the job market. The number of people employed in the solar industry (as well as the renewable sector in general) is rising. The demand for skilled professionals and manual workers is on the rise too. In total, the solar industry employs twice as many…