Intersolar Europe 2022: the key takeaways

This year Intersolar Europe returned with all the intensity and inertia of an industry propelled by the changing landscape of the world; changes that have felt both shocking and unforeseen while at the same time altogether inevitable. Energy experts from all over the world gathered to both discuss the current and future goals for green energy, and debate the ways the world could become more…

Emerging innovations in post-harvest technology

Since ancient times, agriculture has been a beneficiary of innovation and invention. From irrigation to fertilizer to refrigeration, many technologies have been developed and implemented in efforts to make agriculture safer and more efficient. This continues today, with agriculture making use of robotics, AI, and other technology to improve crop yields and reduce environmental impact. Crops…

India introduces the first solar-powered village

Modhera is a village situated in the Mehsana district of Gujarat, a state along the Western coast of India known for its large-scale solar plants. The town is also the site of the famous Sun Temple, a beautiful Hindu temple dedicated to the solar deity Surya. Having this context in mind, no wonder that Modhera has become the first solar-powered village in the world and, according to UN…


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Trusted by industry leaders Site selection software built to find viable land in minutes PVcase Prospect streamlines your site selection process with automated Parcel Search and Buildable Area Analysis for hundreds of sites at one time. Get free trial Learn More AutoCAD-based solar design software for utility-scale solar projects A faster and easier way to plan,…

Roof Mount

3D AutoCAD-based tool for detailed layout and electrical design Accelerate your C&I rooftop design process. Reduce layout time by up to 80% and ensure real-world precision. Get Free Trial Increase design efficiency → win more projects → accelerate revenue growth Accurate design Ensure precise installations with automatic configurations that create construction-ready…

_demo_Roof Mount

3D AutoCAD-based tool for detailed layout and electrical design Accelerate your C&I rooftop design process. Reduce layout time by up to 80% and ensure real-world precision. Get Free Trial Increase design efficiency → win more projects → accelerate revenue growth Accurate design Ensure precise installations with automatic configurations that create construction-ready…

PVcase wins the BNEF Pioneer Award 2024 for innovative solar design solutions

We’re excited to announce that PVcase has been crowned the winner of the prestigious 2024 BNEF Pioneers Award in Challenge 1, focusing on “Relieving bottlenecks in the deployment of clean power”! This achievement highlights our commitment to accelerating the transition to a net-zero economy and our passion for empowering our users to select the site faster, craft more efficient, precise…

Grid capacity — the silent solar project killer

The renewable energy landscape in the United States is booming, with solar power playing a pivotal role in the transition towards a sustainable future. Solar developers have been racing to secure buildable land close to the grid. However, a looming challenge has been causing headaches for many solar developers: grid capacity. The grid has become increasingly congested, posing significant…

Australia finalizes its grand solar-wind hybrid project

Windlab confirms the final stages of testing the Kennedy Energy Park, a solar-wind hybrid project that is going to join the strengths of both spheres. After years of delays, the project is finally approaching the stage of full operation. The facility and its prospects The whole thing indeed looks like the renewable energy dream to come true for the Australian market. The Kennedy Energy park…