How to get started with solar panels as a contractor

Residential solar panels are increasingly popular. A 2022 survey by Forbes found that 48% of homeowners who don’t have a solar installation plan on getting one in the future. Increased interest in renewable energy creates opportunities for general contractors who already provide services to homes and businesses. In 2022, there were 171,558 professionals involved in photovoltaic (PV) system…

The Digital Twin: a game-changer in PV design

A digital twin is an emerging technology in the PV industry. It offers vast capabilities for measuring PV plant performance and making the best engineering decisions. The following information is based on the TRUST-PV Horizon 2020-funded research project. What is a digital twin? In its simplest sense, a digital twin is a digital representation of a physical object or system. A digital…

7 most expected innovations in shared mobility

The idea of shared mobility is rapidly gaining popularity worldwide. This creative transportation approach involves using various modes — car sharing, bike sharing, and ridesharing — to enable convenient and cost-effective travel. It first appeared as a solution to the increasing traffic congestion and environmental problems in urban areas, but it’s also developed in suburban and rural areas.…

6 alternatives to carbon credits for the environmentally conscious company

Attempting to be environmentally conscious as a business isn’t as clear-cut as it may seem. There are stringent guidelines that you must follow, and many you must set yourself according to your unique business processes. With well-known instances of overpromising and underperforming, people are more attuned to greenwashing. Sustainable business practices are attainable with mindful planning…

How to build business resilience amid economic uncertainty

It’s never been more important for your company to prepare for the worst. While the pandemic forced companies to close their doors overnight, other factors like supply chain issues prevented companies from operating at full capacity. Even years after the initial shutdown, there’s still anxiety surrounding the economy. Americans from all walks of life worry about inflation and a looming…

Sustainable cities: what urban living of the future might look like

Technological advancements have greatly transformed how we interact with one another and the planet – and this also applies to where and how we live. One such example is the sustainable city, which seeks to address various environmental problems including pollution, climate change, and resource depletion.  These cities prioritize sustainable urban planning and infrastructure, incorporating…

How precision agriculture can benefit both businesses and communities

Agriculture is an essential but temperamental industry. A farm's profitability and harvest success often depend on uncontrollable factors. Weather, disease, and other difficult-to-predict factors can impact a harvest, so farmers naturally want to do what they can to maximize their chances of a successful harvest. Precision agriculture is a modern solution meant to combat these problems. As of…

8 business opportunities in renewable energy

Renewable energy is rising, which means a growing market full of new opportunities for businesses to thrive. The global renewable energy market was worth an estimated $1.21 trillion in 2023, and the sector is projected to grow by 17.2% annually from 2024 to 2030 — with solar, wind, and bioenergy accounting for much of this growth. Another indicator of renewable energy’s growth and…

The costs of obsolescence in renewable energy

Solar and wind are highly effective forms of sustainable energy production and show immense promise moving forward. With the potential for energy independence, reduced overhead expenses, and tax benefits, it’s easy to see why a growing number of businesses are investing in renewable energy. One issue, however, that is concerning to many companies is the degradation and disposal of solar panels…

Overcoming technical challenges in renewable energy projects. How PVcase transformed OHLA’s design process

In the rapidly advancing field of renewable energy, engineering and construction firms face numerous technical challenges, such as data risk, manual drawings on AutoCAD, limited resources, or last-minute changes. These challenges hinder timelines, increase project costs, often require more resources, and complicate the transition to a sustainable future.  These challenges didn’t bypass…