How to make climate-resilient crops even more sustainable

The concept of climate resilience has grown in popularity in recent years as concerns about climate change have grown and its effects have begun to become more apparent. Notably, concerns about food security are rising as climate change can have significant negative impacts on agriculture. But how can climate-resilient crops be made even more sustainable? Let's explore this in the article.…

Uncover the latest solar news: A monthly summary

Things are changing fast in the solar industry. For this reason, PVcase will constantly provide a summary of the most prominent news in the solar industry sector. We’ll share the latest news that we have found to be interesting and thought-provoking. Let's see what happened in January — the first month of the already eventful 2023. Switzerland startup tries to deploy solar on railways…

Slope analysis case study

Unique use cases is the best way to showcase the capabilities of the software. Our slope case study will help you see how our software solves complex solar engineering issues. This time we are going to look into the solar plant project situated between two hills with the potential shading issues. The challenge for this site is the location in the valley between two hills with the potential…

PVcase is part of the 42-month long SUPERNOVA project

Eurach Research launched a 42-month project, SUPERNOVA, dedicated to developing high-quality photovoltaic (PV) projects. With nearly €5 million in funding from Horizon Europe, PVcase and 19 partners from Europe, Australia, and the United States are focusing on improving the performance, security, and flexibility of PV panels while addressing their entire lifecycle from performance optimization…

Terrain-following trackers are now available in PVcase Ground Mount

PVcase proudly presents a new functionality allowing you to add terrain-following trackers to your solar projects in the PVcase Ground Mount tool. Ideal sites are getting more difficult to find, so terrain-following trackers allow engineers to adapt solar plants for more complex landscapes. Terrain-following trackers mitigate risks associated with undulating terrain and improve…

10 technology challenges for the next generation of inventors to solve

Technology changes rapidly, creating demand for specialists who can use new tools for further innovation. These inventors are tasked with finding ways to use current innovations in new ways to solve today’s biggest problems. Artificial intelligence (AI) provides an example of the relationship between technology and invention. AI experts have used natural language processing (NLP) and large…

8 exciting career possibilities in renewable energy

The adoption of renewable energy is accelerating rapidly. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the worldwide capacity for renewable energy will increase by 60% by 2026. This growth will account for 95% of new energy capacity. This means the capacity of other power sources, like nuclear plants or fossil fuels, will only see limited expansion. The IEA points out that the rapid…

Floating-solar is found to be cost-competitive with ground-mount PV

Researchers discovered that floating PV plants (FPV) can substantially contribute to the achievement of 2030 EU targets. It also can potentially prevent solar energy conflicts with agriculture and other potential risks. Methods and results Scientists from Italy and Spain used various parameters and models together with satellite data about each suitable water basin. They also estimated…

Unique usage of solar around the world

Renewables are on the rise all over the world, and the one in the spotlight is solar energy. From giant solar farms that house hundreds of thousands of panels, to smaller-scale personal installations that pop up on the roofs of residential buildings. When it comes to solar, the blue panels are the unofficial symbol, but it’s not the limit the solar ingenuity can reach. In fact, as clean energy…

Energyear Madrid 2023: key takeaways

On the 25 and 26 of April, PVcase traveled to Madrid for one of the most important events on the Spanish renewable energy event agenda: Energyear Madrid 2023. During this event, we not only had the opportunity to meet the large community of PVcase users in Spain, but we got to learn and discuss the current state of renewables in the country from the more than 900 participants coming from over…