Solar levelized cost of energy: Meaning, formula, and assessment

The levelized cost of energy (LCoE) refers to the average cost of the energy produced throughout the life of various energy-generating assets. In terms of power plants, LCoE is tied to how much it costs to generate a single unit of electricity over the lifetime of the plant. It’s often marked as dollars per megawatt hour ($/MWh). LCoE is used to evaluate methods of energy production and can…

Genera 2022: Changes in Spanish Market

Solar in Europe is gaining popularity at exponential speed, especially impacted by both the current political situation and the ongoing concern about climate change. But not all is doom and gloom when it comes to renewable energy - as this year Genera showed, there’s plenty to look forward to in the Spanish market. Spain set a target for itself to reach 39.2GW by 2030, an important goal after…

PVcase in the race for the BNEF Pioneers Award

It's with great pride that we announce our nomination for the 2024 BNEF Pioneers Award. PVcase has earned a spot among the top six contenders in the Challenge 1 category, focused on “Relieving Bottlenecks in the Deployment of Clean Power.” BloombergNEF organized the BNEF Pioneers competition to identify critical challenges in establishing a net-zero economy and highlight innovative…

The many uses of Terrain Mesh

As referenced in multiple tutorials and release notes, the PVcase Terrain Mesh instrument has multiple potential uses. In order to get acquainted with how it works, it is best to start by checking out this detailed Terrain Mesh tutorial. In this article, we present 8 of the most useful ways to employ this tool: Terrain visualization Checking for topographical layer issues Creating offsets…

6 low-tech strategies to beat the high-tech threat of cyber crime

According to an IBM report, the average total for a global data breach is a whopping $4.35 million, but the average cost of a data breach in the U.S. is double that. That number speaks volumes about the threat of cybercrime, and it's a clear call to action for businesses of all sizes to prioritize cybersecurity. Unfortunately, governments and utilities aren't immune, as cybercriminals are…

How solar power can offset weather-related challenges connected to climate change

Climate change has led to an increase in the severity of weather-related events. A study of weather disasters by Carbon Brief found that climate change made 71% of extreme weather events more likely or more severe. The study covered storms, floods, drought, extreme heat waves and wildfires. The 2021 winter storm in Texas, known as the Great Texas Freeze, provides a tangible example of this…

Inflation Reduction Act layers

In a significant stride toward a cleaner and more sustainable future, the Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) have recently updated two crucial datasets: Coal Closures and Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs)/non-MSAs. These datasets now serve as selectable layers within the PVcase Prospect platform, enabling solar developers to easily access and…

7 most expected innovations in shared mobility

The idea of shared mobility is rapidly gaining popularity worldwide. This creative transportation approach involves using various modes — car sharing, bike sharing, and ridesharing — to enable convenient and cost-effective travel. It first appeared as a solution to the increasing traffic congestion and environmental problems in urban areas, but it’s also developed in suburban and rural areas.…

Are smart cities feasible?

Smart cities have become a hot topic as governments worldwide have invested billions of dollars in various smart city technologies. As a result, the global smart city market is expected to reach $300 billion by 2032. However, as with any new and ambitious project, several factors must be considered when evaluating the feasibility of smart cities. In this article, we’ll uncover the benefits…

Why rooftop solar is a key part of the clean energy transition

Renewable energy is growing exponentially, with solar leading the way. Back in 2010, just 18 gigawatts (GW) of solar were installed globally. This year alone, over 200 GW will be installed. It took a decade for the world to get to 1 terawatt (TW) of installed solar capacity. That’s expected to more than double in the next few years. Large solar parks have driven much of this growth. Out of…