How solar power can offset weather-related challenges connected to climate change

Climate change has led to an increase in the severity of weather-related events. A study of weather disasters by Carbon Brief found that climate change made 71% of extreme weather events more likely or more severe. The study covered storms, floods, drought, extreme heat waves and wildfires. The 2021 winter storm in Texas, known as the Great Texas Freeze, provides a tangible example of this…

Renewable energy and grid stability: modern infrastructure challenges and solutions

Grid stability ensures a continuous supply of electricity to homes and businesses. A reliable source of energy has always been necessary to sustain cities and towns and facilitate economic activity, but new challenges continue to arise. Aging infrastructure, an increase in the number of extreme weather events and cybersecurity issues affect the already strained electrical grid. Energy…

Empowering solar engineering with digital twins

On the 24 and 25 of January, PVcase assembled an A-Team to attend the Solar Quality Summit, the prime forum in Europe, to discuss and debate high quality for PV EPC, O&M, and asset management. The event was a fantastic place to learn about the latest developments in solar PV quality management, meet the cream of the crop in solar engineering, and have fun with a PVcase photo booth. Above…

How precision agriculture can benefit both businesses and communities

Agriculture is an essential but temperamental industry. A farm's profitability and harvest success often depend on uncontrollable factors. Weather, disease, and other difficult-to-predict factors can impact a harvest, so farmers naturally want to do what they can to maximize their chances of a successful harvest. Precision agriculture is a modern solution meant to combat these problems. As of…

Renewable energy events: PVcase tips for success

Trade shows are essential for companies in the renewable energy industry. Successful performance at in-person can lead to sales deals, long-term partnerships, and increasing brand visibility. As we reflect our journey and beginnings as a tech start-up, we want to share some lessons to the newcomers of the industry to pave the way for even more exciting solar initiatives. Having participated…

Solar levelized cost of energy: Meaning, formula, and assessment

The levelized cost of energy (LCoE) refers to the average cost of the energy produced throughout the life of various energy-generating assets. In terms of power plants, LCoE is tied to how much it costs to generate a single unit of electricity over the lifetime of the plant. It’s often marked as dollars per megawatt hour ($/MWh). LCoE is used to evaluate methods of energy production and can…

Complex MV Designs

PVcase allows to easily create MV Circuits in a linear or loop fashion. When more complex designs are needed with multiple interconnection bays at the POI, MV Junction Boxes or Y branches at certain Transformers, then some workarounds need to be used. 1. Multiple MV bays at Grid Connection Point One Grid Connection point cannot directly host multiple MV branches. The workaround in this…

You asked, we answered: FAQs from PVcase and Above Webinar

We were pleased to meet and hear you in our joint seminar with Above, the solar PV drone inspection and software solutions company. During the webinar, we were doing a dive deep into the topic: How to advance utility-scale solar design in PVcase using aerial topographic mapping. It was encouraging to see your enthusiasm and answer many on-point questions. Below we provide answers to the most…

Floating-solar is found to be cost-competitive with ground-mount PV

Researchers discovered that floating PV plants (FPV) can substantially contribute to the achievement of 2030 EU targets. It also can potentially prevent solar energy conflicts with agriculture and other potential risks. Methods and results Scientists from Italy and Spain used various parameters and models together with satellite data about each suitable water basin. They also estimated…

Harnessing brownfields for solar projects: discovering new solar opportunities with PVcase Prospect

Previously, we spotlighted the basic definitions for energy communities, including brownfields. While coal closure census tracts and MSA/non-MSA energy communities have taken center stage, brownfields are no less important. With $1.5 billion in funding under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (the largest investment ever in brownfield communities) and incentives under the Inflation Reduction…