Agrivoltaics: Benefits of Solar Power and Agriculture

What is agrivoltaics Agrivoltaics refers to using the same land to generate solar electricity and support agriculture. As the world moves past the TW scale solar fleet and we deploy more solar every year, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find suitable land to develop solar projects. This situation is increasing concerns over the potential competition between using land to…

Ground Mount | PT

Reduza a incerteza de projetos e remova erros de projeto com modelos fotovoltaicos realistas, baseados no terreno. Otimize o seu design e avalie potenciais desafios de aproximação de sombras. O CAPEX pode ser decisivo nos grandes projetos de instalações solares. Obtenha uma discriminação clara dos custos do seu projeto desde o início. Seja proprietário do seu modelo elétrico,…

Whistleblower Policy

INFORMATION REGARDING VIOLATIONS/ WHISTLEBLOWERS When a criminal act, administrative misconduct or violation of work duties, as well as a gross violation of mandatory norms of professional ethics, an attempt to conceal the aforementioned violation or other violation of the law that threatens or violates the public interest may be committed or is being prepared to be committed, please inform…

What are the types of solar power plants?

Investing in solar energy is a great way to switch to renewable resource consumption. You can take steps to operate a sustainable business in the long run based on the solar panels you choose. However, there are several different types of solar power plants across the country. Each one is designed with specific considerations in mind depending on the geography, location of the panels, and the…

Terrain-following trackers webinar insights: Addressing your FAQs

PVcase Ground Mount tool has a new functionality allowing it to work with terrain-following trackers. Recently we organized a webinar on the feature hosted by Guy Atherton, PVcase Ground Mount Product Manager. Below we give you the answers to the most frequently asked webinar questions, that we hope will shed more light on how to optimally deploy our new feature. How does the…

Intersolar Europe 2022: the key takeaways

This year Intersolar Europe returned with all the intensity and inertia of an industry propelled by the changing landscape of the world; changes that have felt both shocking and unforeseen while at the same time altogether inevitable. Energy experts from all over the world gathered to both discuss the current and future goals for green energy, and debate the ways the world could become more…

The Baltic Sustainability Awards: Double victory for PVcase for fighting climate change through software

While we do not purposefully pursue awards, it’s always a pleasure to be recognized. Therefore, The Baltic Sustainability Awards in 2023, held at the Splendid Palace in Riga, was a great surprise. After such an intense and splendid year, the received awards from such a reputable organization was a true cherry on top. Leaders, CEOs, founders, and sustainability experts from various sectors…

2021: Year in review

Ever since its conception, PVcase has been about removing monotony from the engineering workflow. Step by step, we are working on improving the efficiency of solar projects. And this year, we certainly have things to be proud of. PVcase growth One of the biggest highlights of the year is that we managed to close the largest solar software company fundraising round ever in Europe with our…

Past events 2023

2023 events Energaïa Renewable Energy Forum Solarplaza Summit Balkans Solar Solutions Düsseldorf Solarplaza Summit Greece RE+ Midwest All Energy RE+ Florida Solar & Storage Live Solarplaza Summit Agri-PV Solarplaza Summit Nordics…

PVcase team heads to Intersolar Europe 2023

PVcase will hit the road again in the middle of June. This time our team will board the planes to Munich to participate in Intersolar Europe 2023, one of the most significant solar events in Europe that will take place at Messe Munchen conference center. The conference part will take place from the 13th to the 14th of June, while the exhibition will proceed from the 14th to the 16th of June.…